Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Night at the Rhodes was a Spooky good time. Kenna was dressed as a Zombie and just by chance our friend Joe Morton came as Micheal Jackson's Thriller Zombie.. We HAD to take a picture of the two of them together !!! LOVE IT !!! Mckenna and Kianna ! Cute little friends !
I I loved that almost all the mom's came dressed up !! Here are all beautiful costumes !!
These are all of Jane and Dusty's neighbors we LOVE that they include us in the mix !!
from left to right back row: Lucy, Daphne, Roxy, Shannon, Me, Jane (and Sela)
front row: Melanie, Caryn, Jen and Bethany!

We all got the "MEMO" to come as a WITCH !!

Here is most of the group ! What a fun evening ! THANKS Janie and Dusty !!
I'm now counting down for your New Year's Eve PARTY !!! Wa-Ho !

Halloween at daddy's office. The kids walked around to all the offices and trick or treated. P.M.I. has done this for a couple of years and all the employee's bring in their kids to trick or treat. There was an amazing turnout..400 plus people showed up !! What a great success !!!

We had the Kolman cousins in town for a couple of days from Colorado . Nathan, London,Taylor, Kylie, and Britney !! They spent the afternoon at our house and it was fun to hang with them. We needed something fun to do so I went to a nearby tree (In some one's yard...not sure who but I'm sure they don't mind) and picked some really cute small apples. We made Carmel apples. YUM. :) Wish we could have spent more time with them . Once a year is DEFINITELY not enough !!!!


The kids were "SO" excited to empty out the "gooey" stuff from their pumpkins...instead they all got grossed out and had daddy do it! What a good sport. Actually Brevin did quite a bit on his so I do have to give him props for that !! Good job Brev.

Brevin, Mckenna and Cason ! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!

Brevin is our little "HAM" and loved pretending to eat and sneeze out the "gooey" stuff in their pumpkins ! :)

Don't let the dirty hands fool you...Daddy did most all the clean out. Brevin did do quite a bit but Cason got pretty frustrated that the guts would not come out easier and gave up after about 3 pulls. This was the night of our school carnival so Cason has red hair.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So my sister Jen found this really cool website where you can tweak your photos. If you want to check it out click here

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Here is the "perfect " pumpkin for Daddy ! He's the only smart one . A Small pumpkin means less to clean out and faster to carve !! look at mine...what was I thinking ! My "perfect" pumpkin !! :)
What a fun time of year ! We are SO excited to carve the pumpkins and the kids can't wait to pull out "all the gooey stuff" inside !

Picking out Pumpkins !! The kids were SO excited to pick out just the perfect pumpkin ! They all changed pumpkins at least 3 times in search of their perfect one!! The "perfect" pumpkins !
I think Brevin actually changed 6 times !! :) But finally found the "ONE"!

The Bland Family Halloween party !!! Scotty as "Mr. Clean", Susan as "the witch... nice witch that is " , Kenna as "the zombie", and Cason and Brevin as "football player" !! What a cute Family I must say !!! The cousins !!
me and Mr. Clean !!
How cute !!!

Kneaders opens in Lehi !!!!! It is on Alpine highway as your headed from Highland to the freeway !!! It officially opened Friday October 10 and yes folks I have eaten there every day since they opened !! I have a problem !! But it least it's a good problem !!:)Our AMAZING friends Shauna and Andrew are the proud owners of this new Kneaders !!! This is Thursday night the 9th of October, the night of their friends and family open house at the store !! It was So great and of course the food was WONDERFUL ! I have told Andrew that he and Shauna might be living there but I may be living there for different reasons...such as I LOVE THE FOOD !! I also asked if it were possible to put in a scale just for me so I know when I've been there a few to many time's and need to back off !! Scott says we are personally building their children's college funds !! :) HE HE !!

Me and My BEAUTIFUL friend Shauna !! I am such a proud friend !! You go girl ! :)

My little sister had a birthday !!! Happy birthday Kimmy !!! We all met at Kim's favorite place to get king crab legs...Market street grill !! yummy !!
The girls from left to right... Nicole (kim's best friend), Kim, me (Susan), Jen, Melissa and Mom !!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Our field trip to "This is the place monument" !! We had a great time and the kids can't wait to go back !

This is pretty cool !! The kids are pointing at the name Sylvester H. Earl . Sylvester is the kids great, great, great, great Grandpa !! He was in the first company of pioneers with Brigham Young to come into the Salt Lake valley in 1847 ! The kids were pretty thrilled about that ! The thought that there (4 greats) grandpa probably knew Brigham Young personally !

This is Brevin sitting in the barbers chair. The kids really were fascinated by the "Olden days"! They can't wait to go back during the summer months and visit all the homes and go inside all of them. Cason in the barbers chair!
This is the Z.C.M.I buggy
This home is an original. They were able to take this home apart and put it back together here in the village. 9 people lived in this home, Father, mother and their 7 children !!! Truly this was not bigger than Mckenna's room. The kids all said that they were very grateful for their home! It really is AMAZING to envision how life was for the pioneers. What they went through to get to the valley and then to hear about all the hard ships they faced ! I am so grateful for them and there strength. With this cabin and many others we IF WALLS COULD TALK ... the stories would be so great.

Friday, Oct. 3rd I took the kids up to "This is the place monument" . We had a great time learning about the life of the pioneers and the amazing trek into the Salt Lake valley. This picture was taken in front of the statue of Brigham Young declaring "This is the place" ! In the little gift shop the kids had fun trying on the bonnets, Kenna and I told the boys that the bonnets were for the girls but they loved putting them on anyway !! I told them I would buy them one and they could were it out side and well... that's when they put them back. ! :)
Unfortunately all the homes are closed this time of year, we just got lucky that their was someone in the barber shop and he let us in for a peak. The boys found a checkers game and started a game. They couldn't play long but it was fun while it lasted !
This is a replica of the original Brigham Young Academy, which of course through time has become Brigham Young University.
This monument was erected many years ago and is believed to be the exact spot where Brigham Young stood and declared " This is the place" as he looked over the Salt Lake Valley. The crazy thing is that the valley at the time was a complete desert. There were no trees or greenery of any sort .

Thursday, October 2, 2008

  • OK so today we made Amish friendship bread !! YUM !!! It is a 10 day process, the zip lock sits on your counter for 10 days fermenting and well ... you add a few more ingredients and WAA-LAA !!! It tastes like cinnamon crumb cake. It is more of a cake texture instead of bread and oh SO SO good. The ingredients calls for a cup of sugar and a mixture of cinnamon sugar sprinkled on how could it not be good !! I really wanted to copy the recipe for all of you but (well it goes back to my complete LACK of computer knowledge, however Jen's comming over next week, we'll post it then) I could not figure out how to scan a copy from my printer to my computer. Sorry !! :) so if you want the recipe you will need to let me know ! If you ever get the chance to make it DO cause it really is YUMMY !!!!!
    All the white stuff on top of the bread is the cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top !