Our tradition of opening up "Grandma and Grandpa Kolman's " gift on Christmas eve !! The kids look forward to it all day ! Mckenna got some Hollister perfume, Cason got some Bionicles and Brevin got a Star wars Lego's...However, The moment the boys opened their gift they immediately traded with each other. Life could not get any better for them !! :)
Scotty reads " The night before Christmas " to the kids before we send them to bed. My dad did that with me and my siblings and that is one tradition that I really love ! The only difference is that scott reads it as it's written and my dad made up funny things as he read it . (ie...instead of reading "stuck a finger aside of his nose" my dad would add lib and say "stuck his finger inside of his nose" I remember as a kid just laughing my way through the whole book !! But I love that my kids have that memory with Daddy!

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