Friday, Oct. 3rd I took the kids up to "This is the place monument" . We had a great time learning about the life of the pioneers and the amazing trek into the Salt Lake valley. This
picture was taken in front of the statue of Brigham Young declaring "This is the place" !

In the little gift shop the kids had fun trying on the bonnets, Kenna and I told the boys that the bonnets were for the girls but they loved putting them on anyway !! I told them I would buy them one and they could were it out side and well... that's when they put them back. ! :)
Unfortunately all the homes are closed this time of year, we just got lucky that their was someone in the barber shop and he let us in for a peak. The boys found a checkers game and started a game. They couldn't play long but it was fun while it lasted !

This is a replica of the
original Brigham Young Academy, which of course through time has become Brigham Young University.

This monument was erected many years ago and is believed to be the exact spot where Brigham Young stood and declared " This is the place" as he looked over the Salt Lake Valley. The crazy thing is that the valley at the time was a complete desert. There were no trees or greenery of any sort .
Funny picture of the kids all in the bonnets. Good for you for taking your kids to a "fun" learning place!
I love your blog- so where do I sign Elle up for the "susan bland" school? i'm interested :)
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